
What a relief! I must admit that I am happy it is over. It is quite pleasing not having to worry about one of my subjects. Not that it wasn't fun, it was probably the most enjoyable 6 units I've done at uni so far but it is time to move on to a new projects, or get on with existing project...

As for the presentations, it was great actually seeing the other animations. Though I had caught glimpses of other students' work during the last month I didn't have a very good idea what many of them were about/had turned into/direction they were taking etc...

Over all I feel there were a number of stand out films. My favourite was iPilot. Even with a complete lack of speech, the animation was able to carry the story through the entire 2-3minutes and it got a great laugh at the end where they definitely out did me on the gore levels.

Fishing love was an example of great storyboarding and shot composition. I really enjoyed the final shot with the fishing line making a love heart, as well as the little joke with the line tying a knot.

It was also good that the presentations didn't drag on. I believe this would be the first time, possibly ever that our current group of students didn't go over their allotted presentation times. It is always nice to get out on time or even early.

I do plan on entering my animation in a number of competitions in the coming year so I will see how that goes. Over all the experience learning how to animate in Flash and use Premiere was very useful. Getting a number of contact within the industry - Hugh and Dave, will no doubt be very helpful in the future and I look forward to receiving feedback from both of them.

During the holidays Tom and I are going to look at making a short music video clip, attempting to collaborate together on something. I think this could be difficult for us because we have both just spent the semester either doing what we want creatively, or telling someone else what we want done.

Still I think if Tom and I could get on the same wavelength and have a unified vision on a project we could make something pretty sweet. If we don't get anywhere working together in the holidays, well we will at least know we should avoid working together during next semesters' Digital Media Studio subject when it counts for something.


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